Connect with Lanette
I heard lots of great questions at our meet up and I wanted to address some of them, so everyone gets a chance to hear the answers.  Remember there are no bad questions.  There is so much to learn and this is new territory for us all!

1.  Should I get a case or screen protector?  Of Course!! I saw many different kinds of cases at our meet up.  Get out and investigate them to see what kind you like.  I do recommend a screen protector.  The screens can get fingerprinted up fast, and a screen protector will help, and when you clean the screen you’ll actually be wiping the screen protector mostly, not the actual screen which I think is beneficial.   You can always remove the screen protector and apply a new one if you would damage the protector.  Which leads to the next question...

2.  What should I clean my ipad with?  I recommend that you not use an actual cleaning solution on the iPad.  I think it’s too harsh unless you have something really gummy or tacky stuck to your iPad.  So you can simple use a soft cloth or slightly damp cloth, or electronic wipes found at most stores.  Here is what Apple recommends concerning cleaning.

3.  I think I’m turning my iPad off, but it’s always on when I open my cover?  The cover is actually smart enough to put your iPad to sleep and wake it up.  So cool!! To completely power it off, you hold the button on the top, the iPad will prompt you to slide to power it off . You really don’t need to Power off your iPad in between uses, just putting it to sleep is enough.  Occasionally you may want to Power it off to reset everything. I know many of you are enjoying the long battery life compared to your tablet!

4.  Should I get the Google Drive App?  This is an important question. The Google Drive App will allow you to access and see all your Google Drive Docs. The limitation with the Google Drive App is that you can not edit your documents. You can not make changes and save changes when using the Google Drive App. For Collaboration purposes, I suggest using the Chrome App, an internet browser. You can edit a document in Safari but not collaborate on it.

5.  Should I use the Find my iPad App?  Yes you should.  Here is the link to Apple’s directions on using it.  I heard a crazy story from a friend; she left her iPad on the back hatch of a car, and forgot about it, until later.  She used the Find my iPad App, and the iPad was showing up on the map on Market Street in York.  Her and her husband used their iPhone GPS to go to the direct location and her iPad was laying on the side of the street!! She picked it up, in its Otterbox case and it was perfectly fine!!

6.  How are we going to decide which Apps to use with our students?  Hopefully,  you have begun to discover different types of Apps that you feel would be useful in your classroom.  Use your $25 gift card to wisely purchase Apps you feel you could actually use in the classroom.  Then at some point, we will come together as a team to decide which Apps are appropriate for each grade level or levels.  This can be a long process, but the hope is that you are becoming comfortable with the iPad and how Apps work, and discovering really great ones to use.  When we begin to have the discussion about which Apps you would like, you will be prepared to share which ones and why you feel they are valuable based on the information I’ve shared about evaluating Apps.  

7.  What if we find a really great App in November that we want to use?  As Pat answered quickly in our Meet Up, we wish that we could just have a never ending supply or limit to the amount of Apps that we can purchase and use.  So we need to balance reality and the real need and cost of an App.  I am hoping we will have a process to follow regarding the purchase and addition of Apps onto the iPad.  Again, we are going to take the roll out of the iPads slowly and carefully.  We will start with a list of core apps that we decide on together and make smart additions from that point.

8.  Can I go to the Apple store for help?  Absolutely!  Carol Martin shared about her excellent experience at the Apple store.  She was able to receive one on one help at the store and ask questions at her own pace for free.  If talking to someone in person is helpful for you, this may be a resource to look into, or if you just need to have it on your schedule to get it done, then this may be a solution for you.  I suggest you use their website to reserve an appointment time so you don’t have to wait.  Apple refers to this service as the Genius Bar.  In addition, Apple also offers workshops.  These are typically taught to a small group in the store on a specific topic.  There are 2 for the iPad that I would recommend...Getting Started with the iPad, and Going Further with the iPad.  Here is a link to the registration page for the store in Towson.  Call a colleague and go together, sometimes attending a workshop is easier with a friend.  Call me, I’d love to attend also and hear what Apple is telling their customers!  P.S. When I checked the availability at the Towson location, it was limited so I would reserve a spot sooner rather than later.  

As always, please keep the questions coming.  From our Meet Up, I learned that everyone is at a different place with their iPad, from your experience to level of comfort, and that is ok.  We can all learn from each other.  If you are stuck, please reach out and get some help!  Call a colleague, visit the Apple store, send me an email, or call someone from the Tech department at school, we are all here to help.


Week 5 - Housekeeping

I’ve shared some memorable experiences I’ve had this summer, some I always expect and associate with summer like the beach and trips to the pool.  But also as a kid growing up with a mother as a teacher, there were always these other tasks that happen during summer.  Mostly because devoted teachers don’t have time for these things during the school year.  Have you thought of one yet?  I can remember my Mom washing the windows, cleaning out closets, and kitchen cabinets.  When I was old enough, I eventually helped with these things or became responsible for cleaning out my own closet.  Can you guess what I’ll also be doing this summer?  Yes, those mundane but necessary tasks, I’m sure you have at least one you will do this summer.  Although less flashy than my other summer memories, they do feel rewarding and show a sense of pride in what you own and take care of.  So, as the new owner of an iPad, there are some less flashy but just as important “housekeeping” items you need to know.  

First, I want to make sure that we address a few things that are not perfect on an iPad, and suggest some solutions. In general, I am hoping that you are finding the iPad very user friendly!  We have adopted Google Apps for Education (your new email) along with other applications in the Google Apps Suite.  This has huge advantages for our K-12 school.  On the iPad, the collaborative feature of Google Docs does not always work as it should.  The best solution I have found, is the use of the Chrome browser for collaboration.  I suggest downloading this App.  If you are at a meeting with your iPad and need to collaborate on a document, this would be the best solution right now. In addition, the Chrome browser App offers additional features that other browsers do not have.  Check out the Google Art Project, which includes tons of art and historical artifacts from around the world (and only works in Chrome).  New apps are coming out all of the time, so if another solution pops up, I will let you know!  

Second, flash-based web sites do not work on the iPad.  You may have heard of Adobe Flash, it is plug-in based tool that allows people to deliver interactive content through a website.  This is not the only way to deliver interactive content, but it has become popular because of its ease of use. However, Adobe Flash is slowly being replaced by HTML 5, because Apple feels that Adobe Flash, is not secure on Mobile devices.  Most updated websites have changed over to HTML 5.  However, you may navigate to a website that still uses Adobe Flash, and it may not function on the iPad.  Two Apps Rover and Photon Flash Player Browser offer some options.  Rover is a free App that is designed to specifically work with educational based Flash websites.  Do you have a website that you use already that has Flash?  Download Rover and see if it works.  Second, Photon Flash Player Browser ($4.99) is more robust and offers Flash capabilities.

Now onto a few other learning tips.  Now that you are downloading apps, you may notice that you have many, many apps.  I suggest that you organize them into folders.  Here is a great video and step by step directions on how to do this.  You may call one folder Math, one Teaching Tools, Games etc., Use a organizational technique that will work for you.  Searching through pages of Apps can waste time and having an organized tidy iPad will may you look professional!

Something else you may have run into is Pop-up windows with questions.  Should I allow or don’t allow?  Yes or No?  Here is a video from one of the people I follow on Twitter on the 2 most common questions the iPad will ask you.  

Next, the iPad does allow you to switch between two apps to work on multiple tasks at once.  Multitasking is fairly easy, and is explained here.  In addition, you will want to understand how to close apps that you open.  Here is a short explanation on closing running apps.  This will save your battery life.

Here is the iPad 3 Manual. I’m not sure if any of you are manual readers, but just in case I wanted to give you the link.  I don’t typically read manuals until I have a specific problem, but I find Apple’s manuals to be very user friendly with pictures and easy to read text.  There is a search bar at the top to search the manual if you have a specific question you are seeking the answer to.  

And, if you haven’t spent your iTunes gift card, here is another list of apps by subject area specifically for elementary.  And, is anyone traveling...or teach French?  Here is a review of the top translation apps.  And last but not least, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese launched a free app this week with donations made for each download called Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinner not Art.  It’s great for kids and I’m sure there are educational applications too!

So I guess this week, I’ll need to work some of those mundane tasks into my schedule that I’ve been putting off...right after, of course, our Meet Up on Tuesday at Atwater’s.  Now, that sounds more exciting! See you there with your iPad!


I keep telling my extremely water phobic son, to just jump in.  My goal this summer was to get him around water more often and become more comfortable, familiar and confident.  Our first  time at the beach, he happily played by the water with some other boys, his back to the ocean.  Then from the shore of course, I saw it coming...the wave that was bigger than the rest and surely going to knock him over.  It did.  He tumbled, fell and came running, spitting, soaking wet and full of sand.  “Mom, I had a wash out.”  He didn’t play by the water any more that day.  We go to the pool, he hangs out on the side, he daintily goes down the steps, he has big dramatic runs for a towel when he gets the slightest bit of water in his face.  I’m not sure some days if we are headed closer to the goal or not?!  Maybe some of you feel the same way about technology?  My goal for us as a staff is the same, get your hands on the ipad, and become more confident and familiar.  He hasn’t taken my advice, “just jump in” but I’m hoping you will!  

Your assignment this week is simple: participate in some way in the Edmodo iPad Discussion group.  Which Apps are you thinking about for your grade level?  What do you like?  What don’t you like?  Tell us what you have done.  

Here are a few more resources to check out:
iPad Curriculum Blog:  Search on the left by grade level.
teacherswithapps:  That’s us!
50 Best iPad Apps for STEM - Grades 3-5
TechChef4u - (Grades 2-5) This blog is about the actual application of the Apps in the classroom.  Many of you have asked “Exactly how will this work in the classroom?”  The teacher writing this blog isn’t writing about Apps specifically, she’s writing about how she carried out activities in her classroom.  
iPads at Burley - This blog is about the implementation of iPads in Grades 1-5 in Chicago.
iPads in the art room - This teacher blogs about tools used in the art room, but many of the apps she is using could be applied to any creative expression of curriculum content.  Check out her animation and photo manipulation apps.

There are 2 other category considerations I wanted us to think about when buying or deciding to use an App with students; Logistics and Evidence of Learning. Both of these infographics should make more sense now that you have begun to use different Apps on your iPad.  

Let’s start with Logistics. Obviously if the App isn’t “user friendly” then it isn’t a good choice for our girls. Now, let’s consider a few other points related to Logistics. What about advertisements? Free Apps are great, but have you noticed the advertisements. What happens when students decide to (or accidentally) click on an ad as opposed to where they are supposed to? I remember using a free app with my son over spring break...the App was giving directions at the same time at the top of the screen was a flashy car advertisement...Can you guess what happened...Yep, one tap and we were at the Mercedes-Benz website and the educational game and directions were long gone.  If we decide to use Free Apps, how will we handle advertisements? Another great evaluation question:  Does the App promote transferred skills?  Will I learn a skill here that will transfer to another App such as importing pictures, adding text, recording sound? Can students easily share their final result? Take a look at the graphic below for more “Logistical” evaluation questions.  

The second consideration is “Evidence of Learning.”  Does the App allow students to dig deeper into the content knowledge? Does the App allow for cross subject area research or creation? Does the App encourage participation by moving beyond rote memorization and reciting facts? Does the App allow students to present to a global audience? Does the App promote problem solving to foster creativity and imagination? All of these questions remind me of the all faculty brainstorming session we had in the spring in regards to our school’s mission statement. I think we all want to foster creativity, problem solving and deep thinking that goes beyond memorizing facts. So these are great questions to ask ourselves about any subject area that we are teaching. I know you already do in other areas, and we want to be sure to ask these questions in our new ventures in App purchases.  Our girls will benefit from our careful and wise eyes.

This week is swimming lessons for my son, I’m hoping for a breakthrough!  Meanwhile, I hope your getting comfortable with your iPad. Let me know what you are learning this summer on Edmodo and I’ll see you July 17th for our next meet-up.

Wow!  I was so impressed by the attendance at our iPad meet up and your willingness to learn over the summer!  For those of you who weren’t able to attend, we had an informal time of sharing. Some brought their own personal iPads and were able to share with those who don’t have their own...yet.  Everyone has different levels of understanding and experiences to share, so take the time to learn from each other.  I was there to answer questions, but I think that informal learning through a conversation with a friend is just as valuable and maybe more memorable as you discovered something new or learned from someone else. I hope you agree.

This week, we prepare to get our hands on our iPads.  Here are a few practical tips to get you going:

1.)  If you aren’t really familiar with the iPad, take the time to use it for your email, and download a few free Apps from the iTunes store and navigate through them to get a handle on different kinds of features that can be included in an app.  Be sure to remember your experience as the new user to the app, because this will help you teach your students how to use the app later.  If you are saying to yourself, ”I’m not sure what to do now.” or “How do I get back to the home or menu screen?”  Your students will have the same questions and feelings as you do in these moments.  If it’s not user friendly, then it might not be a good candidate for our girls.  Be the learner in the moment.

2) Spend some time with your iPad everyday.  It’s a personal device and  I’ll bet you’ll love using it! Download a Free App that you may enjoy yourself  (Flipboard, Pinterest, Etsy, Weather) to keep you using it... Work and play at the same time.  Better yet, have a neighbor, cousin, or school aged child near you? Try out an Educational App on them, I’ve learned a lot from watching my son navigate the iPad and which Apps he enjoys, and which Apps challenge him, and which Apps seem to bring out his creativity.. Of course, you are supervising and having an observant eye as they use your iPad.

3) Once you’re familiar with the iPad, start to use the fabulous gift card we were given.  Be sure to research and evaluate the App before purchasing it, to be sure you are spending your money wisely. The iTunes store uses a 5 star rating system, and you can read others' reviews as well as look at screen shots of the App.  Remember that many Apps have a Lite version.  This means you can access the App, but not all the features.  Other Apps are “free” but have In-App purchases that “upgrade” the App.  Both of these kinds of Apps allow you to interact with the App first and decide if it would be a great one for students to use.  Check out Apple’s Education page, and Apple Educators App picks.  Another great resource is Kathy Shrock’s iPads in the Classroom page.

4)  I recommend that you download the free App called AppStart.  There are great tutorials included in the App about how to use your iPad.  I would read the Welcome section as well as the iPad 101 to start.  In addition the App makes recommendations about different Apps based on how you would like to use your iPad (Best Apps for Cooks, Apps for Musicians, Apps for Artists, etc.)  It's not an education based App, but offers lots of information and is visually appealing!

5)  You may want to keep in contact with your grade level partners about how you are spending your iTunes gift card.  I may not want to buy the same exact Apps as my grade level partner, because I could get together with them and see Marble Math on my grade level team members iPad, and she could see Rocket Math on mine.  Or maybe you want to split up the disciplines, I’ll research Math Apps, while my partner researches Social Studies for example.  Then of course spend some time together talking about what you found. Can you tell I like to learn / discuss with others!

6) Have fun and Share!  If you find something really great or exciting, post it on Edmodo, send an email or Tweet, we only make our knowledge base broader and wiser by having each one of you fully participate and share with others.  This is new territory for us all!

Next week we will take a look at other ways to examine Apps for the classroom which I think will make more sense once you have a few Apps on your iPad.  Until then go pick up your iPad, use it and enjoy!


    Lanette Walters

    I am currently the Lower School Technology Integrator for an independent school, in Baltimore, Md.  This blog is devoted to nurturing curiosity & learning in the connected classroom.


    July 2012
    June 2012

